Hi. Name is Ben. I love technology. Well designed technology gets me really jazzed. Whether it is a web page, an application, or considerably more complex system, I believe there is an overt duty to design well.
In this age of technology and the ever accelerating rate of change, it is increasingly difficult to achieve and maintain mastery of the varied technical and digital crafts. It is **not** the person who proclaims their own mastery who is to be trusted with important things. It is the person who shows a dedication to, and a joy in, diligently walking patiently towards mastery, all the while at peace with the conviction that mastery is not a singular destination.
A brief background about me
Personal History
Originally from South Florida, I grew up spending a lot of my time fishing, skateboarding and playing music. After high school, I spent 7 years in Atlanta as a working (read starving) musician and as a student of Web and Interactive Media Design at the Art Institute of Atlanta. Moving to the WNC area in 2009, I reentered college in 2013 to pursue a degree in Mechatronics Engineering. I emerged with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in 2016. I relocated to Charlotte in September of 2018. I have three beautiful kids.
Values and Intent
I value integrity, awareness, and play. I believe these are pillars of healthy being in this challenge-riddled world. Hard work is paramount, but with these other elements in place, work can become a healthy expression. My intention is to pursue an interesting career, and gratefully enjoy life.
I am currently open to interesting work in back end leaning, full-stack software development, data analytics, and golang. I thrive on learning, discovery, and clear processes.
Skills and Experience Overview
The main corpus of my skills set exists in three broad areas of experience and training: Technology, Design, and Business. Within those areas, I have obtained direct domain knowledge and proficiency through direct work and educational experiences.
I graduated with CS degree from UNC at Asheville in 2016. I’ve been professionally engaged in this domain since then. The collection of things that I’ve done is broad and varied, but generally deeper specialization is in:
Software Engineering
Systems Design and Analysis, SaaS, Object Oriented Development, Test-driven Design
Web Applications
Full-stack development, Static Site Generation, API development, etc.
Databases and ETL
MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB, DynamoDB
Data Analytics & Visualization
Pandas, Numpy, 3D.js
DevOps and SysAdmin
CircleCI, Jenkins CI, GitHub, Linux, Shell Scripting
Pursuing a BFA in Interactive Media Design gave me a ton of experience and exposure to both traditional and digital media art production tools and methods. I’ve designed album art, user interfaces, physical design concepts, and all manner of audio and video productions.
UI and Product Design
Figma, Adobe XD, SolidWorks, 3DS Max, Autodesk Inventor
Graphic Design & Illustration
Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe Creative Suite
Adobe Premeire CS, Adobe Affter Effects, Final Cut Pro
Multimedia and Audio Production
Logic, Abelton, ProTools, Audition
Business Operations
Personnel Management, Regulatory Compliance, Day-to-day Process Management
Accounting and Financial Reporting
General Ledger Maintenance, Report Generation
Office Administration
Payroll, Scheduling, Document Management, IT Systems Maintenance
Some statistics around the tech I have utilized personally over the past year
Some writings and musings

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About this site
This site uses the base Jekyll theme with some customizations. It is built using the GitHub pages workflow.
Local development is enhanced with Bundler, asdf version manager, and RubyMine
You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at jekyllrb.com
You can find the source code for Minima at GitHub: jekyll / minima
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